Minerva Integrated Enterprise Services
End to end enterprise, organisational and business support.
A smarter, intelligent, integrated, unified and coordinated approach to services and solutions, delivering impact and added value.
A single source of end to end, multi-disciplinary, high-impact and high-value enterprise, organisational, business and operational support services and solutions helping assure your success.
Your trusted business partner, with the network, expertise and experience to provide bespoke support and solutions that deliver results.
Integrated Enterprise Consulting
Whether you are a small start-up micro-business or SME, a major multinational organisation, or a major turnkey project in challenging and hostile environments, we all require and welcome support at times.
For enterprises, organisations and businesses of all shapes and sizes, the global operational environment in which they find themselves is increasingly complex and tangled, not mention also being volatile, and uncertain at times.
Getting things done operationally is not always as simple as one would hope or expect; and dealing with multiple providers, suppliers, stakeholders and other thirdcan too often feel like having to navigate a tortuous labyrinth.
Working with multiple atomistic, competing and disjointed third parties and stakeholders not only also takes up valuable resources, no matter how small the requirement; but such layers of complexity, bureaucracy and operational fragmentation also carry potential operational risks which can potentially hinder and have a serious detrimental impact on organisational effectiveness, efficiency, optimisation, excellence, performance, productivity and profitability.
Integrated and Co-ordinated End To End Support
Minerva’s integrated enterprise services’ mission objective is to work as your trusted business and knowledge partner, providing clients internationally with access to an added value, end to end and single source of bespoke, multi-disciplinary enterprise, organisational, business and operational support, services and solutions; delivered by us directly or through our network of best of breed British and Commonwealth strategic and collaborative partners.
From micro SME’s and start-ups, through large complex organisations, to major turnkey projects operating in challenging and hostile environments, our IES servcies are designed to help assure that operational objectives are met, that performance and productivity are empowered, operations optimised, and that 360-degree organisational excellence is underwritten.
Smarter Operational Success By Design
Minerva IES allows clients internationally to achieve high-impact, high-value and organisational and operational success, as well as build, develop and power operational capability and capacity, by design.
This is achieved by clients being able to draw upon an integrated and bespoke portfolio of specialist, technical, business and operational talent, services, expertise, experience and insight; centred around seven core pillars;
Business Management
Managed Services
Operations Management
Outsourced Services
Programme and Project Management
Procurement and Supply Management
Specialist Bespoke Services and Solutions
Through our proprietary Pegophon framework we take a holistic, multidisciplinary and enterprise mission assurance approach to our provision of integrated enterprise services.
Key IES objectives are that services and solutions deliver operational results and outcomes; build and develop operational resilience and sustainability; are business and commercially focused; empower performance and productivity, reduce risk; enable enterprises, organisations and businesses to operate in as safely, securely and sustainably as possible; and deliver value. advantage and stakeholder satisfaction.
As bespoke IES providers, we ensure that our services, solutions and support are scalable and flexible, meeting clients’ individual bespoke requirements and fit for their operational ecosystem, contexts and environments.
When working with collaborative and strategic partners, our integrated enterprise services are led, managed and delivered as a single team, in a controlled, coordinated and cohesive manner. With our expertise, experience and values, we are able to serve and protect clients’ best interests, whilst ensuring that our partners are also protected and that value is added across the supply chain.
We have particular expertise and experience in supporting clients in major programmes and projects, such as nationalisation initiatives, as well as in challenging and hostile environments.
Some Higher Level IES Areas
IES Benefits
Minerva IES offers clients internationally a range of tangible, pragmatic business and operational benefits.
- Access to an outstanding portfolio of enterprise, organisational, business and operational services, solutions and support.
- Access to an outstanding portfolio of strategic and collaborative partner network.
- Access to organisational, business, operational technical and specialist talent, expertise, experience and insight.
- Scalable, flexible and bespoke services and solutions.
- The ability to design bespoke, high-impact and high-value solutions for your specific operational requirements.
- Build and develop capability and capacity.
- Enhanced operational excellence, effectiveness and efficiency.
- An integrated, co-ordinated, cohesive and coherent approach to the design, delivery and supply of services.
Business and Quality Management Systems
One of the simplest yet most powerful forms of organisational mission assurance is the presence of a robust, rigorous and responsive business management system; and yet for too many organisations of all shapes and sizes, such systems fail to allow organisations to foster their full potential, for a variety of reasons.
At their worst, business management systems become predominantly bureaucratic quality management systems, seen by employees as static organisational leviathans, their monolithic presence regarded as authoritarian, top down, critical and controlling.
Our business management services bring to clients internationally the expertise and experience garnered through successful major government, blue chip corporate, military, aviation, engineering and multidisciplinary business and quality management and ISO implementation and benchmarking projects.
We promote business management systems as the framework around which organisational and operational excellence are built, and the foundations within which the pillars of high-performance cultures are laid.
Fit for purpose, dynamic and responsive, the best business management systems are living organisms, which understand that organisations are and operate in macro and micro ecosystems.
Our approach to the authoring, development, leadership and management of business and quality management systems is premised on the philosophy of engagement, enablement, empowerment and enrichment, across all organisational levels and stakeholders.
Our mission objective is to help organisations author, develop and drive smarter, intelligent business management systems which:
- Are evidence-based
- Are results and outcomes premised
- Proactively encourage and drive innovation and creativity
- Drive quality
- Promote ownership and initiative
- Reduce risk
- Enhance strategic, transformational, tactical and operational leadership, management, decision making and reporting.
To achieve this, we work across five pillars:
Communications, Collaboration and Reporting
Intelligence, Insight and Data Collection and Analysis
Productivity, Performance and Profitability
Risk Management
Our Business Management Services Portfolio
Our portfolio of BQMS services includes:
- Auditing and auditor training
- Business intelligence, analysis and management systems
- Business intelligence, analysis and research
- Business information management and reporting systems
- Business information management software advice
- Business management systems authoring, benchmarking and review
- Change management
- Communications and collaboration management
- ISO standards implementation, benchmarking and accreditation
- Industry and sector specific ISO interpretation, implementation and benchmarking
- Integrated Quality management systems authoring, benchmarking and review
- Protocol, policy and procedure authoring benchmarking and review
- Quality management systems authoring, benchmarking and review
- Risk Analysis and Management
Integrated Enterprise and Business Planning
Heling to assure that your enterprise, organisation or business has the best possible foundations from which to launch, as well as the ability to constantly review and replan as part of a dynamic, living process, we offer clients internationally integrated enterprise planning services.
Our proprietary approach takes a smarter, intelligent, multidisciplinary and holistic ecosystem approach. Combining a suite of integrated strategic and operational methodologies, tools and systems our IEBP services help conduct high-impact, high-value planning which translates into and results in the desired enterprise, organisational and business outcomes; helps assure and underwrite enterprise and business mission assurance and resilience.
A taking a pragmatic, practical business and operational perspective, our core mission objective is to help clients plan, implement, build and develop the 360-degree enterprise, organisational and business pillars which allows them to not just survive, but optimise operations, build value and develop competitive advantage, allowing them to thrive.
Business Intelligence
In today’s world it is all too easy to feel like we suffer from information overload and are drowning in an ocean of data and information; from geopolitical decisions and events affecting share prices, value chains and operations; to reviews on social media.
Complementing our enterprise and business management consulting services, our business intelligence, insight and analysis consulting is built upon four core pillars:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Automation
Deep Data and Digital Disruption
Enterprise and Business Intelligence and Analysis
Enterprise and Business Planning
At the heart of our consulting is helping clients to harness the power of high-value, timely intelligence and insight, garnered from multiple data, information and other sources, to build and develop smarter, intelligent, dynamic and responsive organisations and operations; support business innovation, growth and development; and underwrite enterprise, organisational and business sustainability, responsiveness and resilience; and prompt constructive innovation and disruption.
Our proprietary Agere framework offers clients a smarter, intelligent approach to the building, development and deployment of the high-value enterprise and business intelligence and analysis cultures, architectures, frameworks and systems which will achieve this.
Taking a holistic, deep level, perspective, we start by helping clients understand their current enterprise and business intelligence ecosystems, contexts, environments and practices. From this informed position, they are able to identify where and how they can enhance their data and information mining; build, develop and power high-value enterprise and business intelligence and analysis capability and capacity; and develop and high-performance and business intelligence and organisational learning cultures.
Our Agere framework helps assure that enterprises, organisations and businesses achieve eleven key objectives:
- The ability to conduct high impact, in-depth, rigorous, robust, informed and intelligent business planning
- Empower smarter, informed, intelligent decision making
- Successfully translate strategic into and achieve operational objectives
- Achieve operational optimisation
- Build and empower high-value business and quality management systems
- Build and develop learning organisations
- Drive 360-degree organisational excellence
- Enhance and empower high-performance, productivity and profitability
- The identification, development and capture of new opportunities
- Prompt constructive, evidence based innovation
- Underwrite a ‘Kaizen’ culture.
International Pathfinding and Country Life Support
We offer clients internationally specialist international pathfinding and end to end in-country support services.
Our mission objective is on supporting clients in two distinct ways.
Firstly, from a pathfinding perspective, we look to support enterprises, organisations and businesses initially explore, open up and develop new overseas markets and operations.
Secondly, from an in-country life support perspective, when organisations decide to commit to operating within a new country, we look to provide the end to end, on the ground support which helps assure that their in-country operations receive the best possible start and support, so maximising their ability to hit the deck running, develop a sustainable, resilient and responsive operation and successfully capture business.
We have particular expertise and experience in supporting clients across The UK and Europe, as well as Asia, Africa and Arabia; as well as clients who are potentially ;looking to operate in challenging and hostile environments.
We take a smarter, intelligent and integrated approach; and are able to draw upon not only our extensive experience and expertise working and operating across The Middle East, North Africa and The Far East; but also, our expatriate, operational and military backgrounds and networks.
As your trusted international business partner, we offer clients not only a suite of professional pathfinding and end to end, in-country life support services, but country and local expertise and experience; and access to regional, country and local networks, all of which contribute towards providing you with in country operational mission assurance.
Through our strategic and collaborative partnerships, we are also able to add significant value, capacity and capability to clients.
Our Pathfinding and Life Support Services Portfolio
- International Pathfinding
- In Country Life Support
- In Country Resilience, Risk and Security
- Local networks, partnerships and collaboration management
- Operational on ground setup and support
- Regional and country expertise and experience
- Regional, country and market intelligence and analysis
Integrated Enterprise Operations' Management
For clients internationally who are seeking advanced levels of bespoke and end-to-end enterprise, operational or business operational support, we offer our Integrated Enterprise Operations’ Management Service.
For clients who require complex, bespoke, managed or outsourced operational services – for example in PMOT and large scale, complex start-up contexts; or when operating in hostile or challenging environments – our IEOM services are designed to provide end to end, multidisciplinary and multifunctional operational support.
Key to our IEOM services is the enterprise, business and operational mission assurance and operational optimisation provided through the design and implementation of a truly integrated, unified and co-ordinated operations management architecture, framework and system.
Our Integrated Enterprise Consulting Suite of Services
Our suite of services encompass enterprise, organisational, corporate and business:
Business administration
Business intelligence, analysis and planning
Business management
Collaboration and partnership management
Crisis and emergency response management
End-to-end, through life operational support
Enterprise, organisational and business architecture, analysis, design, planning, and implementation
Information, communications, collaboration, computing and technology
Integrated business services
Integrated enterprise services
Joint ventures management
Managed services
Operational infrastructures, frameworks and systems
Operations management support
Outsourced services
Procurement, supply andlLogistics
Programme and project management
Risk management
Resilience management
Security operations management
Specialist bespoke services and solutions
Strategic initiatives feasibility, assessment and planning
UK and international pathfinding and life support
Your Strategic Business Partner
Strategy | Consulting | Design | Development | Programme ManagementDelivering Organisational Transformation, Innovation, Excellence and Performance
London | Dublin | Bahrain | Cyprus | Singapore