Communications Underwriting Performance

Building and developing the high performance communications which underwrite high-performance.

Minerva Communications

Internal and External Communications Driving Performance

Supporting enterprises, organisations and businesses build and develop communications excellence across all organisational levels.

Internal and external communications cultures and ecosystems which engage, empower and enrich across the value chain.

Smarter, intelligent, high-impact and responsive real-world, business and commercially orientated, practical and pragmatic services and solutions.

Communications Consulting

Communications errors can be catastrophic. Think of The Light Brigade, or Ratner. Whilst not normally so serious, ineffective communication, miscommunication, and no communications at all, internally and externally, can cost businesses big and small alike millions of pounds in lost customers, lost revenue and compensation, as well as directly impacting poor performance and productivity.

Recent research suggests that larger organisations could be losing over £4 million annually, at a cost of £8,000 per employee. When seen in the context of other research, which suggest that UK employees spend an average of 43 hours every week, more than two-thirds of their working day, communicating and collaborating with others, such losses are truly shocking.

Conversely, research shows that leaders and organisations which exhibit effective communications have over forty percent high profitability over five years; and that likewise organisations with effective internal and external engagement strategies and frameworks achieve greater performance, productivity and profitability.

Underwriting Performance, Productivity and Success

Placing communications at the heart of enterprise, organisational and business success, driving and delivering strategic, transformational and operational objectives.

Communications strategies and frameworks which underwrite, empower and enrich high-performance cultures; and enhance performance and productivity.

Unified, co-ordinated and synchronised high impact communications, message, media which engage stakeholders across the value chain, enriching and empowering brand, image, value and reputation.

First and foremost, we believe that high-impact and high-value communications consulting should be premised on two primary cornerstones.

The first is that communications are first and foremost about empowering, driving and delivering commercially driven and business focused results and outcomes. This translates into communications strategies and operations which stimulate, lead and manage enterprise, organisational and business creativity, change, results and outcomes through the ability to successfully and effectively author, articulate and advance powerful, trusted, persuasive and clear information, intelligence and messages which engage, enrich and empower.

Secondly, we help enterprises, organisations and businesses embed high-performance communications cultures and ecosystems within their very fabric, so empowering and enriching engagement across their operational ecosystem, value chain and stakeholders.



Every enterprise, organisational and business, of any size and shapes, has unique communications agendas, issues and challenges, so our communications consulting mission objective is to work as your trusted busines and thought partner, providing the smarter, intelligent, high-impact, high value and bespoke communications services and solutions which help and support you achieve the communications cornerstones outlined above, which in turn underwrite and drive organisational and operational excellence, high performance cultures and competitive advantage.

To achieve this, we deploy our proprietary Iris approach and framework.

Iris is designed to provide a holistic, integrated, co-ordinated and deep dive analysis and assessment of your communications ecosystem and environment, at both strategic and operational levels, focused on seven core communications management pillars.

Communications strategy

Command, control, communications and collaboration

Communications management, architecture, channels, frameworks and systems

Digital and technological innovation and disruption

Engagement, empowerment and enrichment

Leadership and management communications

Marketing, Public relations and communications

Through the resultant strategic communications index (SCI), clients can better understand their overall communications performance levels, identifying communications strengths alongside the weaknesses, gaps, challenges and issues which they face.

This intelligence and insight in turn empowers clients to successfully design, build, implement, develop and improve powerful strategic and operational communications frameworks, systems and high-performance communications drivers.

Crucial elements here are the alignment of communications with enterprise, organisational and business strategy, vision, mission; the dissemination of a unified, co-ordinated, synchronised and balanced image, reputation and message which builds a powerful brand and value; leadership and management communications; alongside pragmatic issues such as the judicious selection and deployment of communications tools, channels and mediums.

Cumulatively, such high-performance communications frameworks proactively enable and enhance performance, productivity and profitability.

Our Communications’ Consulting Suite of Services

Our suite of services encompass enterprise, organisational, corporate and business:

Business communications

Brand and value

Business publishing

Client and consumer engagement, mmpowerment and enrichment

Command, control, communications and collaboration

Communications benchmarking, diagnostics and index

Communications and information technology

Communications management – frameworks, systems, platforms and tools

Concept and message development, research and testing

Crisis communications

Data, information, intelligence and insight management

Digital innovation, insights, disruption and communications

Employee engagement, empowerment and enrichment

High-performance communications cultures

Information, intelligence and insight – analysis, assessment and research

Internal communications

Knowledge and information management

Leadership and management communications

Marketing and communications

Media management and intelligence

Multichannel media management

Public relations

Reputation and image management

Risk communications

Stakeholder engagement, empowerment and enrichment

Strategic communications

Training and development

Your Strategic Business Partner

Strategy | Consulting | Design | Development | Programme Management

Delivering Organisational Transformation, Innovation, Excellence and Performance

London | Dublin | Bahrain | Cyprus | Singapore

The Minerva International Group


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