Specialist Military or Aviation and Technical English language training in preparation for specialist UK, European, USA and international English language medium training.

  • Military syllabus (branch-specific and common military syllabus) or
  • Aviation syllabus (pilot, ATC, cabin grew, ground crew, engineering)
  • ‘Technical’ syllabus (across both)– science, technology, engineering and maths
  • Military / Aviation, ‘technical’ lexis
  • Integrated reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
  • Grammar
  • Learner learning and study skills
  • Transferable academic skills and knowledge (TASK)
  • Transferable soft skills
Benefits and Advantages


  • The confidence to be able to use English language in specialist military, aviation or ‘technical’ training, occupational or professional environments
  • Competency and skills focused
  • Task based learning focused
  • Added value transferable academic and soft skills
  • Small groups – enhanced personalised, tailored and bespoke learning
  • Delivered by senior British and Commonwealth ESTOPP and ELT specialists with extensive international ESTOPP, ELT, military and aviation expertise and experience
  • Best international practice and leading-edge knowledge
  • Aligned to and benchmarked against British and Commonwealth armed forces leadership, UK professional and academic bodies’ standards
Webinar Series

Executive One to One

£40 pp ph

Professional One to One

£30 pp ph

ESP 1-1

£29 pp ph


£25 pp ph

EAP / IELTS Micro Group

See investment fees schedule

ESP Micro Group

See investment fees schedule

ESP Public Programmes

See investment fees schedule

EAP Public Programmes

See investment fees schedule

Special Listing Short ELT Course


Special Listing Extended 1


Special Listing Extended 2





Your Course At A Glance

Short Intensive, Extended

or Academic Year Courses

Webinar Based

With Online Support

2 Weeks Up to

32 Weeks

Personalised Experience

Coaching and Tutorials

Course Overview

The Military, Aviation and Technical English language programme is designed for corporate clients internationally who require a best practice English for Specialist Training, Occupational and Professional Purposes (ESTOPP) programme or course in preparation for conducting specialist training in the UK, Europe, USA or other English language medium environments internationally.

The programme and course offer clients a robust, rigorous and best practice integrated ESTOPP programme, which combines English language training skills, a focus on specialist military or aviation and ‘technical’ subject matter expertise, and added value transferable academic and soft skills. The focus is on developing English second language competency and skills, learner learning; and on delivering through a blend of ‘academic’ understanding, knowledge and theory, with a strong practical and task-based learning-focused approach.

The programmes and courses can be tailored and bespoke for clients’ requirements; and examination preparation for both specialist ‘technical’ and ‘academic’ entry requirements and assessment purposes can be included.

Who Is This Course For

The programme and course are designed for military, aviation and technical personnel at all organisational levels who require English language training prior to commencing specialist English language medium training internationally.

Specialist programmes and courses can be delivered for specific personnel, such as NCO’s officers and senior personnel, as well as for specialist purposes, such as examination preparation or refreshers.

What Are The Course Objectives?

There are six main course objectives.

  • To provide participants with the confidence to undertake training and operate in specialist English language medium military, aviation and technical training and operations

  • To develop to the required English language competency level all four English language skills, supported by the appropriate grammar and vocabulary knowledge; underpinned with a good understanding of the relevant theory and academic knowledge.

  • To develop transferable academic skills and knowledge
  • To develop transferable soft skills
  • To foster and develop added value academic, occupational and specialist knowledge and skills

  • To give participants the confidence and skills to:
    • Successfully operate in English language medium environments internationally
    • Be an independent learner
    • Aspire to further English language training – academic and professional / occupational
What Will I Learn?

By the end of this programme and course you will:

  • Have enhanced specialist English language training knowledge, competencies and skills
  • Have ab initio level specialist subject matter expertise knowledge
  • Be able to successfully and confidently undertake training and operate in English language medium environments internationally
  • Have developed additional, transferable academic and soft skills
  • Be able to operate as an independent learner, applying leaner learning skills across disciplines
Course Outline

Key topics explored across the full programme include:

Professional Award

Module 1 – English language reading, writing, listening and speaking

Module 2 – Vocabulary

Module 3 – Grammar

Module 4 – Learner learning skills

Module 5 – Transferable and soft skills

Module 6 – Common military or aviation syllabus

Module 7 – Specialist ‘technical’ syllabus

Module 8 – Science syllabus

Module 9 – Technology syllabus

Module 10 – Maths syllabus

Module 11 – Employability skills syllabus

Module 12 – Examination preparation


Shorter programmes focus on specific areas, subject to time, duration and client priorities.


Professional Certificate

Professional Advanced Certificate

These are earnt upon completion of appropriate military or aviation and technical based integrated projects, specialist assessment and specialist further study subject options.

What Will I Walk Away With?

You will walk away with:

  • The English language knowledge, skills and competencies to be able to confidently and successfully train and operate in English language medium environments; and maximise the potential rewards and benefits from such training and interoperable experiences

  • Added value transferable learner learning, academic and soft skills
  • Specialist and transferable professional knowledge and skills
  • Enhanced career and promotion prospects
  • Continuous professional development credits
  • A personalised professional action plan, which in conjunction with the course, critical personal reflection and ongoing professional development will allow you to further develop and put into practice what you have learnt

  • Access to our library of resources
  • Either a professional award, a professional certificate or an advanced professional certificate.
Pre Course Activities

We strongly recommend that in preparation for this course, participants take the time to complete the pre-course work; both so that they reap the fullest rewards and benefits of the courses, and so that it can be tailored and personalised where possible to their individual requirements.

  • Think about what your learning priorities and objectives are
  • Think about a possible leadership topic, issue, challenge or objective you have a special interest in for discussion in coaching, supervision / tutorials
  • Think about what real-world organisational strategic, transformational and resilience objectives you have
  • Think about what real-world organisational and business disruption, issues and challenges you face
  • Think about how you can use the current climate as a catalyst for change.
What is Included In The Investment Fee?

The investment fee encompasses:


  • Face to face contact learning via webinar, online and collaborative technology
  • A minimum number of whole class contact hours per days / week / month – subject to programme and course duration selected
  • Micro group sessions – depending upon participant numbers and webinar / programme / course duration
  • Individual / pair / micro group supervisions / coaching / personal and operational consulting and action planning – depending upon participant numbers and webinar / programme / course duration
  • Core course materials – send by email and online
  • Supplementary materials – send by email and online
  • Complimentary materials – materials – send by email and online
  • Access to documents and resources library for the webinar / programme / course duration
  • Certificate
Availability and Dates

At the moment due to the global pandemic, this course is only available publicly on a webinar basis with online support.

The masterclass, short five-day intensive professional, two and four week extended professional programmes and courses recommence on:

27thSept 2021 | 11thOctober 2021 | 25thOctober 2021 | 
8thNovember 2021 | 22ndNovember 2021 | 6thDecember 2021 | 10thJanuary 2022 |
24thJanuary 2022 | 7thFebruary 2022 | 21stFebruary 2022 | 7thMarch 2022 | 21stMarch 2022
1,2 3 Day Master Classes and 1,2,3 Day Advanced Professional Classes recommence on:
  4thOctober 2021 | 18thOctober 2021 | 1stNovember 2021 |
15thNovember 2021 | 29thNovember 2021 | 13thDecember 2021 | 17thJanuary 2022 |
31stJanuary 2022 | 14th February 2022 | 28thFebruary 2022
Key People

Programme Director

David C.W.A. Carruthers


Course Convenor


Senior Trainers

A Trainer's View

ʺ There is a lot of added value in these MATE programmes and courses for both military and aviation sector personnel, from the full ‘academic year’ to shorter and intensive advanced level, examination preparation and refresher courses.


The blended combination of knowledge, theory and a strong focus on task based learning, practical skills and English language competency; the specialist military, aviation, and STEM ESTOPP focus; the added value transferable skills focus; and delivery by the academy’s senior-level specialist ESTOPP trainers with international military, aviation and ESTOPP expertise and experience, marks this programme and course out.ʺ

Course Fees' Payment

UK and international clients should please contact us at Minerva Academy directly for payment of course fees.

All course fees must be paid 48 hours prior to commencement of the webinar / courses.


Register Now To Reserve Your Seat On The MATE Course

Call Us Or Email Us

To Discuss Your Personalised Requirements

Why not contact or speak to one of our specialist learning and development advisors? That way we discuss your personalised and tailored requirements and perhaps offer alternative choices and options.

You can email us at

or call us on

+44 (0) 758 383 7246


(We will always respect the personal information you give to us; it will never be shared with anyone else and it will always be managed according to our Privacy Policy which you can find on our website at any time.)

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Any Subject Any Time At Your Convenience


Contact us to see how we can serve and support your individual, micro group or corporate demand executive and professional training, learning and development requirements.


Thank-you. We will respond to you as quickly as possible.